A good friend of mine asked me how does soccer works when we were watching the last brazilian game, here it is a great and simple way of understanding it!

Soccer 101

Duration: 90 min ( 2 x 45 min )
Players: 11 in each team
Objective: to score as many goals as possible using any part of the body but the hands. Any player can score a goal.
Referee: the one who enforces the rules

Foul & misconduct

when a player hits another, three things may happen:
1]Free kick
2] Free kick + card ( Yellow= beware! Red = you are out! )
3] Penalty kick = if a defender uses the hand or if the foul happens in the marked area around the goal (white lines above). In this case, the ball is placed in a mark in front of the goalkeeper. When the penalty kick is taken, the only two players in the box are the penalty taker and the defending team’s goalkeeper. Everyone else must be outside the white lines.

The only complicated rule

The offside – when the striker is closer to the opposing team’s goal than that team’s last defender. Meaning: you need an adversary to make it worth your effort!

Post Published on Paulo Coelho's blog


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Beach House is a place where I go for all the stuff that makes me happy. Is not always sunny at the beach but we will always have the beach house, a place that always bring family and friends closer even when they are distant. I hope you enjoy your time at the beach. A casa da praia é um lugar que eu vou para todas as coisas que me fazem feliz. Nem sempre tem sol na praia mas a casa da praia vai estar sempre lá, um lugar que sempre coloca família e amigos mais próximos mesmo quando estão distantes. Espero que aproveite seu tempinho aqui na praia.

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From the 4th biggest city in the world, living in USA for the last four and half years, worked as bunch of things but now in love with the HR field.


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